Buyers Safeguard Policy

At bizibi, you can shop knowing that you are protected from any issue where your order has not arrived or is not as described.

If your order has not arrived or is not as described

We understand it’s essential that you receive exactly what you ordered.

If an order is late or is not exactly as described, it’s best to contact the seller first to give them a chance to make things right. Mistakes can happen and many of our sellers have over a 99.5% feedback ratio that they earned by taking care of buyers in these instances. 

If the seller does not respond

After you send a message to the seller, if they have not responded after 48 hours. Please contact bizibi customer services at the seller. After 72 hours without a response, we’ll escalate the message internally. From there, we work directly with the seller and buyer and if the seller is still not responding,  we’ll step in to resolve the problem on your behalf and issue full or partial refunds if your order has not arrived or is not as described.

If you are not happy with the seller’s response

If during the course of your communication with the seller you feel that you would like bizibi to be involved in resolving the issue, you can send an email to Please include the associated Order Number in the subject line and any details. Our customer service team will review all of the communication from the order directly with the seller, and if they are not responding in a way we feel is adequate, we’ll step in to resolve the problem on your behalf and issue full or partial refunds where your order has not arrived or is not as described.

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